Racism and the ever-increasingly problematic class structure of the United States has been more prevalent over the past year than it has been for a long time, and it has become obvious that there needs to be a discussion. While we here at EARMILK can't be the ones to start this thread, we are here to say that some amazingly powerful pieces of music have been produced during this time, and Wasiu is another artist we can add to this growing list.
Taking the perspective of a prejudiced white male and integrating that mentality of "not racist but [insert something offensive here]," the Montreal rapper highlights the justifications people have for creating stereotypes and how ridiculous they are in this day and age. It brings to light the many changes in the way everyday people think, and it very much highlights the danger in letting stereotypes remain.
With production by Nez and Rio, this one provides both interesting rhyme structure, clever content, and great delivery that bring us some things to think about on this Friday.
Check out this track below, and receive some food for thought on this Friday.