There are two kinds of people during the winter months: sadists who think that going outside during -20°C weather (that's -4°F for my American homies) is fun, and everyone else dealing with a mixture of miserable people with seasonal affective disorder. If you're like me, you fall into that second camp. While hibernating isn't an option for most of us, the next best thing is to reminisce about the fun times we've had during those months when the living was easy. For all of those moments, there's William Bolton's "New York Sunshine."
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A bonus track from Will's Summer Breeze album, "New York Sunshine" details his whirlwind romance with a special lady during these great months. It's laid-back grooves and highly addictive, warm hook make this song a great companion during those cold winter nights. Give this track a listen–and bump it two times if you've been hit hard with snow like Buffalo–and check out Will's Soundcloud page for more great tracks.

William Bolton
"New York Sunshine"
- November 19th, 2014