With a number of different aliases to represent his multifaceted artistic expressions, Kenneth James Gibson has undoubtedly become an explorer in musical production and execution. Most recently, he has undertaken the guise of Reverse Commuter, a moniker that brands his forthcoming Exposure album spanning nine tracks of measured dance experimentation. At times the work lists towards instrumentality, breaking for soothing vocals that reverberate across a track; at others the continually captivating tech mentality flares in understated glitches that deliver just enough fix to keep a listener addicted.
Dropping on November 3rd, the album comes from DJ Three's Hallucienda imprint, with a bonus mix packaged with the release. However, today you get even more than just a taste with an exclusive free download of "Erase The Face We Know", featuring the album's main vocalist, Kelly Johnston. Paced and progressive, the track personifies Reverse Commuter's intentions with Exposure by thoughtfully building an expansive sonic world that pulls you in with every glitch, pulse, and word. This track won't be on the album, so get your quick fix now before the full dose releases next Monday by heading to the Soundcloud page and downloading this exclusive track.

Reverse Commuter
"Erase The Face We Know" (Feat. Kelly Johnston)
- Hallucienda
- 2014-11-03