I am Naeleck from Lethe; once, I was a human being with the foolish dream of becoming the best DJ in the world, but – I've since become deceased.
Dancing Dead – Month 9 will be live on Block.fm on September 14th and free to download on Earmilk some days after. In the meantime, I just released my new EP, Disease, on Den Haku Records. It's a collaboration with Japanese producer Oddity and includes remixes from three of my favorite artists of the moment, Portuguese producer KATFYR, French band Carbon Kevlar and Japan's up-and-coming Banvox. Just like my Dancing Dead mixes, this is not for the squeamish — huge beats, dirty basslines, and heavy leads full of distortion.
It's now on Beatport, so grab your copy if you like it or wait a couple of months and I will give it away in a future episode of Dancing Dead.
[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/9806428" params="" width=" 100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]

Naeleck & Oddity
Disease [EP]
- Den Haku Records
- Sept 2, 2013