Late last week, we were all finally privy to attend Meyhem Lauren's Mandatory Brunch Meetings, a mixtape we'd been anticipating for quite some time. And if you've still got an appetite for food raps, it's more than worth a spin (ostrich skin with blue cheese, anyone?).
Mandatory Brunch Meetings boasts some incredible producers, including but definitely not limited to Alchemist, Mike Finito, and "La MuSiCa De" Harry Fraud. Even more, Lauren's enlisted a who's who of featured wait staff from his own native New York. Action Bronson adds a silky support to the delicately drowsy "Thousand Dollar Gym Shoes" and the cool as fuck "Stewed Rabo". Meanwhile, Brooklyn favorites Heems, Lakutis, and Ness, spit sinister on the futuristic "Carvel".
But that's not to say Meyhem Lauren can't hold his own without any support. "Kelly Kapowski" is a track that highlights both Lauren's sense of humor and natural talent, while "Beautiful Aerolas", a song about exactly what you think it is, is unnervingly catchy.
Listen for yourself below.