Today's delivery is brought to you by Norah Jones. She recently released her album, Little Broken Hearts, and it's pretty remarkable how she's able to stay relevant in a time when our tastes tend to change so quickly. But, obviously, if bet on which artists would have longevity; Norah Jones would definitely be a safe beat. With this new album, which is produced by Danger Mouse; she goes on to take her raspy voice on a trip trough the past as she borrows the vintage sound that you might expect to hear from a movie adaptation of a pulp graphic novel. The track I'm bringing to you today is actually the titular track, "Little Broken Hearts", and you'll be rewarded with a very nostalgia inducing sound that seems as though it was recorded in an empty 1-star lounge where Norah may be singing this directly to the club's owner. It almost makes me think of a David Lynch film in regards to the images it conjures up; especially with the twangy guitar. Anyway…check out the track and chill….