Sohodolls celebrate those who don’t conform to societal norms on intoxicating offering “Thread,” an anthem that is playful and empowering all at once.
A powerful production about finding your tribe and celebrating your non-blood family, the track is an ode to the passionate and eccentric folks who don’t conform to the expectations that society have of them.
Touching upon trauma and how it can influence who we flock to in a positive way, the thoughtful track delivers a glimpse of forthcoming album. Speaking of the track, Maya Von Doll says, “I wrote this song in Nashville with Tony Esterly. Musically we hit it off straight away – we both love The Gorrillaz, EDM and rock. And that day, I wanted to bring in some Lebanese or middle-eastern vibes into the music because I love that minor scale and I wanted to be able to belly-dance to it. It was such a lovely writing experience, and the song just poured out of us.”
Having recently climbed up the viral Billboard charts when Madonna’s daughter kickstarted their career again by dancing to one of their 00’s tracks on TikTok, Sohodolls begin a new era in their impressive career as they allure us with their blend of catchy sonics and luscious vocals.
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