Let me introduce you Kn1ght, multifaceted french artist, based in Strasbourg, north east of France. We could described him as hero of the modern times, influenced in his youth by cult movies and series from the 80s like many of us. Kn1ght uses in his music productions rich 80s synthezisers and drumline to recreate a dark ambient. Today, Kn1ght chose to release his first EP, entitled Hawk Road, on the famous french label, So French Records . Hawk Road is composed of 4 acts, telling a story of a modern hero quest. First act titled "Hawk Road", describe the heor walking into the American desert, after a long walk under the heat of the sun, the rain and the storm break the daylight to emerge us into the shadow of a frighting night where the hawk cries resonate. A scene influenced by the movie Bullit. The second act, "Encounter" tells the events during an Hold Up, as you can hear in the intro, doesn't ending up well , highlighted by a sad melody. A song influenced by Scarface for the melody and Point Break for the scene. The third act, "Hunt Part II", is the following part of the first episode released a few years ago. This time things occurred differently, Hunters get chased by the Kn1ght. The last act, "Recovery", tells that every hero needs to rest. Kn1ght makes a song with a low BPM, chill, but still melodious. He composed this song while he was sick…So time for recovery… The song is featuring Rodeo, an australian singer woman who adds this little something that you cannot find anywhere else. The lyrics combines, physical recovery, and mental recovery. This epic song close perfectly the quest of our dear hero who achieves its goals…
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