Below is the world exclusive video for "LSD" from Tokyo-based hyper-pop outfit TRIPPPLE NIPPPLES.
Much like the audible trip that occurs when listening to "LSD," the music video pushes the song even further by providing an even more trippy and chaotic video. Opening with a picture of the American flag, the video cuts to triple vocalists Yuka, Qrea and Nabe Nipples in full costume going absolutely apeshit as the song explodes in the background. Behind the girls plays a variety of distorted images, as well as the occasional flash of a young girl drinking orange juice. Although the video is cut to just below two minutes, "LSD" is exactly what it implies, a hallucinating thrill ride that features three artists who's only aim is to have as much fun as possible while pushing craziness and chaos to a new level.
As with the premiere of the music video, click here to read the exclusive interview with TRIPPPLE NIPPPLES.