Jou Fokken Poes! The answer is here! Die Antwoord's much waited album will be out in January titled Ten$ion. I'm not gonna lie I've been lurking around the interwebz for days just for the smallest Koeksister (Afrikaans Doughnut) to chew on and now we have it.
Not only do we get a viral video that is going to get around 2 million views within a few months but, they also give us a new fre$h track to Fokk with. DJ Hi-Tek has come along way from getting lost in the Cape Town jungle with a baggie full of shrooms and has lost a lot of weight I must say. This track is sparse, fun and so ZEF.
Ninja and Yo-landi Vi$$er explain DJ Hi-teks outro on the track and how in Suid Afrika they're a "Rainbow" nation. Ninja intellectually compares our views on certain words compared to South Afrikaans.
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