UK bred singer-songwriter James Bay has released the latest visual from his acoustic EP, The Dark of the Morning. Bay, who is known for his raw delivery, uncovers the struggles of maintaining a relationship with the person he loves in a gripping live performance of his hit, "Move Together." Bay pleads, "Home now end of the night/It's cold out to turn on your side/And I know you're up in two hours/We didn't get tonight, we don't have tomorrow/So don't ruin now." In his performance Bay is able to amplify his earnestness twofold making this rendition of "Move Together" the most compelling I've heard, and a testament to his talents as a performer. Lucky for us, he will be on tour with ZZ Ward this fall so make sure you grab your tickets. Bay's going to sound good on your computer, but he'll sound better live.
You can also check out a full studio version of "Move Together" below.
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