If you were anticipating Oscar O'Malley's Orange Starburst Baboon An Da First Offense Vol. 1 (which let's face it, is probably the greatest name of all time) you've got another thing coming. After hearing the atmospheric, 80's influenced Drive-esque sounds of "PS 118", I was blown away after hearing the hungry and audacious delivery of the New York based rapper.
Spitting over the likes of Mobb Deep, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Raekwon, and a sinister instrumental provided by Moray Beats, Orange Starburst Baboon is the personification of conscious rap in a completely raw and incomparable matter. Though it may initially come across as sounding verbose, the project is oddly intriguing; at times, I find myself just vibing with the rough-around-the-edge rhymes. With the standout track, "Ol Dirty Snorlax", O'Malley comes across as less of a carbon copy of the late ODB and more of an artist paying tribute to the enigmatic Wu Tang Clan member. All and all it's a strange project, but sometimes that's exactly what we need in a world in which everyone wants to play it safe.

Oscar O'Malley
Orange Starburst Baboon
An Da First Offense Vol. 1
- August 1, 2013