Boston's Noms is at it again. The guy seems have a mastery of more niche genres than most can even name, and he's a veritable SoundCloud warrior, constantly on the front lines of the newest tunes and sounds. I imagine him trawling depths of the site mere mortals couldn't brave. This time he's returned to the surface to share some absolute gold in every synesthetic sense of the word. Behold, "Pimp's Creed".
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It doesn't take long for the track to bloom into ghetto glorious technicolor. The hyperfunky lead and chords dripping in candy paint instantly place the track in the league of Clicks & Whistles or Myrryrs' "Fantom Doze". Whatever your credo is, this is one of those ones that you instantly rewind when it's over because why should it end? This has been on the player for days straight now – forget next level, this is bonus level. If you can't get enough of the swangin' head over to Noms' SoundCloud, where there's a kingly feast of free downloads. Sample a few below and follow if you know what's good.
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